Deciding what food to feed your puppy or adult dog can be quite challenging, so we have put together some answers to frequently asked questions to assist you. Should you not find the answer to your question here, please send it to us via email on
During your dog’s life it may become necessary to change the type and/or brand of food that you have been feeding your dog. It is normally best to follow a gradual changeover approach, over a seven-day period, rather than just switching immediately.
Just like humans, each stage in a dog’s life has specific dietary needs. During the puppy years, their food is designed to develop optimal brain, bone, muscle, digestive and immune functioning. Therefore, it’s food rich in vitamins and minerals that encourage this kind of growth, as well as high in calories to give them plenty of energy for exploring their new worlds.
These essential supplements aren’t found in sufficient levels in adult dog food. What’s more, the grownup pellets are too large for a puppy’s small mouth and developing teeth. Feeding your young pooch too many (or few) vitamins and minerals can lead to improper growth and health complications later in their lives.
It is important to ensure that your furry best friend receives all the essential components of a well-balanced meal.
Ingredients that are crucial to the healthy development and maintenance of your cat or dog include:
Pet owners need to be very careful about exactly what your pooch is eating. Certain kitchen items are not fit for canine consumption. Here’s a list of the most hazardous:
Every living cell in animal bodies is mostly made up of water. It’s a carrier of vital nutrients, helps digestion by aiding the absorption of vitamins and minerals, regulates your basal temperature, lubricates joints and removes internal waste. Therefore, insufficient quantities of this essential substance have a wide range of negative effects on your dog’s health.
The result can be minor dehydration or life-threatening organ failure. We advise that you keep their bowls filled with clean water every day. You should also provide more H2O on hot days, when your dogs are especially active or if your pooch is pregnant. A dry nose and gums, as well as skin tenting are all signs to look out for.